Total Body Bar

Important Safety Information

Please read the instruction cards and view the information and videos in the FREE member website before using your Total Body Bar.

Consult your doctor before you start using this or any other equipment.  Workout responsibly!

1. This product meets the European Safety Standards and International Organization of Standardization (EN-957-1, Class H, Section 5 and ISO-20957-6:2205(en).

2. Use this equipment only for the intended purpose described in the user instructions.

3. Review the proper usage in the FREE member website before using the machine.


5. Always carefully inspect the equipment and make sure that everything is securely in place and that there’s no fraying of the strapping before use.

6. Ensure there is enough free space available surrounding the machine during usage.

7. Choose the intensity level that best suits your current level of fitness and needs. Train within your limits.

8. Properly warm-up prior to using the Total Body Bar.

9. If  you experience symptoms of discomfort like chest pain or dizziness, STOP the workout immediately and CONSULT A PHYSICIAN.

10. Keep your body parts (ESPECIALLY FINGERS) away from the moving mechanics to avoid injury. Tie your hair if it’s long to prevent it from getting caught in the machine.


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